
Error Correction and Materiality Under GIPS 2020

Overview of the Rules Under GIPS 2020

The error correction rules for firms are in provision 1.A.20 of GIPS 2020, which notes that firms must correct material errors in GIPS composite reports and must:

Provide the corrected GIPS composite report to the current verifier
Provide the corrected GIPS…more

Operational Due Diligence During a Pandemic

It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. This well-known phrase keeps coming to mind as we evaluate how to move forward when it feels as though the whole world has collectively stopped moving. While approximately 300 million people, just in the United States, have…more

OCIE 2020 Cybersecurity and Resiliency Observations

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting networks, devices, and data from unauthorized access or criminal use. Today, everything relies on computers, no industry is immune, and the volume of data and availability of information puts firms and capital markets at risk each day.

Importance of Information Security

For the eighth…more

OCIE 2020 Examination Priorities

On January 7, 2020, the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) announced its 2020 Examination Priorities. For the past 8 years, OCIE has released its examination priorities on an annual basis. Examination priorities highlight where OCIE will focus its resources as it continues to…more

GIPS 2020 Changes Carve-Out Standards

With the release of GIPS 2020 came another change to the standards on carve-outs, marking the second time in which the guidance has changed. So, we thought it might be worthwhile to revisit the history of carve-outs guidance within the GIPS Standards.

A Brief History

Initially, the GIPS…more

The Impact of GIPS 2020 on Pooled Fund Managers

The 2020 edition of the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS 2020) was released on June 30, 2019 and is effective beginning January 1, 2020. GIPS 2020 introduced a significant number of additions and changes, the most notable of which can be found in our “Top 5 Things You Need to…more

The GIPS 2020 Exposure Draft is Out!

The release of the GIPS 2020 Exposure Draft is an exciting milestone in the development of the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS). The volunteers and CFA Institute staff worked hard to assemble performance presentation standards that reflect industry best-practices and that are useful and practical.

The GIPS 2020 Exposure…more

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