
Recent GIPS and Performance Reporting Developments

Kreischer Miller recently held its annual investment industry update, which covered a variety of topics including an update on GIPS and performance reporting. The key topics of the GIPS update centered on current projects, available resources, recently issued Q&A’s, and the results of an industry survey on…more

A Roundup of 2023 SEC Proposals for Investment Advisors

We recently held our annual investment industry update, which covered a host of topics including the latest updates on GIPS, the SEC Marketing Rule, fair value guidance, taxes, and compliance, as well as a discussion on valuation drivers in an investment firm.

During one of the sessions, John Canning, Director…more

Industry Leaders Discuss Questions Regarding the SEC Marketing Rule

Kreischer Miller recently held its annual investment industry update, which covered a host of topics including the latest updates on GIPS, the SEC Marketing Rule, fair value guidance, taxes, and compliance, as well as a discussion on valuation drivers in an investment firm.

During the event, Thomas Peters, Director of…more

SEC Announces Proposed Safeguarding Rule

On February 15, 2023, the SEC announced the release of a proposed rule, the Safeguarding Rule, which would constitute a redesignation and enhancement of the current Custody Rule as we know it.

We are in the process of evaluating and summarizing the 434 page proposal, but if you’d like…more

What Drives Value in an Investment Firm?

We recently held our annual investment industry update which covered a host of topics including the latest updates on GIPS, the SEC Marketing Rule, fair value guidance, taxes, and compliance. The event also included a discussion on valuation drivers in an investment firm. Jennifer Kreischer, M&A Advisory Consultant…more

Just When We Thought Carveouts Were Back


The treatment of carveouts within the GIPS standards (formerly, the AIMR Performance Standards) has been a long and winding road since the inception of the standards back in the early 1990s. Initially, the standards permitted the carving out of a portion of portfolio assets into individual segments for the…more

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